As a supervisor, you are in a unique position to motivate employees to seek assistance for their problems. It can be difficult to tell an employee that his/her performance is below standard and must change. It is also difficult for employees to accept that personal problems may be affecting their job performance. Frequently, employees who have persistent performance or attendance problems are found to have underlying difficulties which are causing problems on the job. The supervisor can provide motivation toward health and productivity by addressing the poor performance and simultaneously offering a source of professional help. You may become aware of several situations in which it would be beneficial to contact PAS, such as:
- Changes in performance. They may be sudden or develop over a period of time and may include one or more of the following:
- Absenteeism, attendance problems
- Declining or inconsistent work performance
- "On-The-Job" absenteeism
- Frequent tardiness
- Frequent complaints
- Increased errors, accidents, missed deadlines
- Difficulties with concentration, confusion
- Change in attitude, mood, appearance
- Change in work relationships
- When there are no work performance problems but an employee shares a personal problem with you
- When you are feeling stressed, frustrated, helpless, disappointed, or anxious when thinking about an employee's work performance problems
How Do I Make a Referral?
A persistent performance problem is unlikely to resolve without any supervisory intervention. When referring an employee to PAS, follow these steps:
- Document the employees’ performance. Employee Relations can offer assistance in following proper disciplinary procedures.
- Contact PAS at 919-416-1727 to inform us of a potential referral.
- Talk with the employee about job performance expectations and outline what changes are needed.
- Recommend PAS as a resource to help resolve problems. The earlier an employee seeks help, the more easily problems can be resolved.
- Focus on work performance issues. Do not try to diagnose personal problems.
- Schedule a follow-up meeting to evaluate the employee's progress in reaching job performance standards.
What Happens Next?
Once the employee talks with a PAS counselor, he/she may or may not give written permission for the supervisor to be contacted. If the employee has given permission, PAS will contact you. The specific nature of the employee's problem is confidential and will not be disclosed. Counselors work with the employee to try to resolve his/her problems and may recommend the use of additional resources.
What if an Employee Refuses to Use PAS?
An employee's involvement with PAS is voluntary. Whether an employee chooses to use PAS or not, the employee is responsible for acceptable work performance. An employee is not sheltered from disciplinary procedure by participation in PAS, nor can employees be disciplined for not seeking assistance.